Samsung Fridge Repairs

Samsung refrigerators are known for their stylish designs and innovative engineering. With a twin cooling concept applied to most of their product line, including French door and side-by-side models, these refrigerators offer modern features but can sometimes encounter common issues.
We're here to help with professional Samsung refrigerator repair services in Melbourne.
Common Problems with Samsung Fridges
Irregular temperatures and blocked fridge fans
One prevalent issue is the insulation evap cover, which typically fails in 2 to 6 years, especially with frequent door openings. This component, made of polystyrene, can become waterlogged and freeze over time. It often results in problems such as irregular temperatures and blocked fridge fans. Removing the frozen cover can be challenging and risky without experience.
Safety Switch Tripping Issues
If your Samsung fridge is tripping the safety switch on your main household switchboard, it may be due to faulty heaters or a compressor problem. We can assess and replace these heaters on-site, eliminating the need to transport your fridge to the workshop. However, if the compressor is the culprit, it's crucial to bring the entire unit to our workshop for a proper replacement, with a loan fridge provided if needed.
Gas and Refrigerant Leaks
When your refrigerator or freezer is making the right noises but not cooling correctly, it might be due to a gas or refrigerant leak. Locating and sealing these leaks requires a workshop environment, where we can weld or braze the affected areas before re-gassing the unit.
Comprehensive Samsung Refrigerator Repairs
While many electrical issues can be resolved on-site, refrigerators with system problems like gas leaks, compressor issues, or blockages must be taken to the workshop for welding and system repairs. We handle these complex operations efficiently and ensure your fridge operates flawlessly after comprehensive testing.

Don't let refrigerator problems disrupt your daily life. Contact us for expert Samsung refrigerator repairs in Melbourne.
We’ve seen this before - this is due to failure of a defrosting component inside the freezer compartment - and something we can generally repair on the spot.
Call us now for a qualified, licensed fridge mechanic. We service all of south and east Melbourne suburbs.
Same day service, call out fees included - ask for Paul!